Wissenschaft & Artikel

Fluoride ion release and recharge over time in three restoratives. Slowikowski L, et al. J Dent Res 93 (Spec Iss A): 268, 2014 (www.iadr.org).
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Zmener O, Pameijer CHH, et al. Marginal bacterial leakage in class I cavities filled with a new resin-modified glass ionomer restorative material. 2013.
Flexural strength and fatigue of new Activa RMGIs. Garcia-Godoy F, et al. J Dent Res 93 (Spec Iss A): 254, 2014 (www.iadr.org).
Deflection at break of restorative materials. Chao W, et al. J Dent Res 94 (Spec Iss A) 2375, 2015 (iadr.org).
McCabe JF, et al. Smart Materials in Dentistry. Aust Dent J 201156 Suppl 1:3-10.
Cannon M, et al. Pilot study to measure fluoride ion penetration of hydrophilic sealant. AADR Annual Meeting 2010.
Water absorption properties of four resin-modified glass ionomer base/liner materials. (Pulpdent)
pH dependence on the phosphate release of Activa ionic materials. (Pulpdent)
Kane B, et al. Sealant adaptation and penetration into occlusal fissures. Am J Dent 2009;22(2):89-91.
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Sharma S, Kugel G, et al. Comparison of antimicrobial properties of sealants and amalgam. IADR Annual Meeting 2008.
Naorungroj S, et al.Antibacterial surface properties of fluoride-containing resin-based sealants J Dent 2010.
Prabhakar AR, et al. Comparative evaluation of the length of resin tags, viscosity and microleakage of pit and fissure sealants – an in vitro scanning electron microscope study. Contemp Clin Dent 2011;2(4):324-30.
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Microleakage of dental bulk fill, conventional and self-adhesive composites. Cannavo M, et al. J Dent Res 93 (Spec Iss A): 847, 2014 (www.iadr.org).
Comparison of Mechanical Properties of Dental Restorative Material. Girn V, et al. J Dent Res 93 (Spec Iss A): 1163, 2014 (www.iadr.org).
Mechanical properties of four photo-polymerizable resin-modified base/liner materials. (Pulpdent)
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Water absorption and solubility of restorative materials. (Pulpdent)
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Spencer P, et al. Adhesive dentin interface the weak link in the composite restoration. Am Biomed Eng 2010;38(6):1989-2003.
Murray PE,et al. Analysis of pulpal reactions to restorative procedures, materials, pulp capping, and future therapies. Crit Rev Oral Biol Med 2002;13:509.
DeRouen TA, et al. Neurobehavioral effects of dental amalgam in children a randomized clinical trial. JAMA 2006;295(15):1784-1792.
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Wear of a calcium, phosphate and fluoride releasing restorative material. Bansal R, et al. J Dent Res 94 (Spec Iss A): 3797, 2015 (iadr.org).
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ACTIVA BioActive-Restorative: 6-month clinical performance. The Dental Advisor 2015. www.dentaladvisor.com.
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Compressive strength and deflection at break of four cements. Daddona J, Pagni S, Kugel G. J Dent Res 95 (Spec Iss A) 0658, 2016 (iadr.org).
Surface deposition analysis of bioactive restorative material and cement. Chao W, Perry R, Kugel G. J Dent Res 95 (Spec Iss A) S1313, 2016 (www.iadr.org).
Comparison of compressive strength of liner materials. Epstein N, et al. J Dent Res 95 (Spec Iss A) S0653, 2016 (www.iadr.org).
Water absorption and solubility of four dental cements. Hall J, et al. J Dent Res 95 (Spec Iss A) S1126, 2016 (www.iadr.org).
Shear bond strength of several dental cements. Tran A, et al. J Dent Res 95 (Spec Iss A) S0579, 2016 (www.iadr.org).
Repetitive deflection strengths of adhesive cements. Samaha S, et al. J Dent Res 95 (Spec Iss A) S1076, 2016 (www.iadr.org).
Fluoride release of bioactive restoratives with bonding agents. Murali S, et al. J Dent Res 95 (Spec Iss A) S0368, 2016 (www.iadr.org).
Profilometry bioactive dental materials analysis and evaluation of dentin integration. Garcia-Godoy F, Morrow BR. J Dent Res 95 (Spec Iss A) 1828, 2016 (iadr.org).
Staining and whitening products induce color changes of multiple composites. Parks H, Morrow BR, Garcia-Godoy F. J Dent Res 95 (Spec Iss A) S1323, 2016 (www.iadr.org).
Profilometry based composite abrasion using different current dentifrices. Lindsay AA, Morrow BR, Garcia-Godoy F. J Dent Res 95 (Spec Iss A) S0318, 2016 (iadr.org).
Bansal R, Burgess JO, Lawson NC. Wear of an enhanced resin-modified glass-ionomer restorative material. Am J Dent 2016;29(3):171-174.
Evaluation of pH, fluoride and calcium release for dental materials. Morrow BR, Brown J, Stewart CW, Garcia-Godoy F. J Dent Res 96 (Spec Iss A) 1359, 2017 (iadr.org).
Adhesion of s. mutans biofilms on potentially antimicrobial dental composites. Mah J, Merritt J, Ferracane J. J Dent Res 96 (Spec Iss A) 2560, 2017 (iadr.org).
Microleakage under class ll restorations restored with bulk-fill materials. Kulkami P, et al. J Dent Res 96 (Spec Iss A) 2604, 2017 (iadr.org).
Fluoride release of dental restoratives when brushed with fluoridated toothpaste. Epstein N, Roomian T, Perry R. J Dent Res 96 (Spec Iss A) 1254, 2017 (iadr.org).
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Influence of novel bioactive materials on dentinal enzymatic activity. Comba A, Breschi L, et al. J Dent Res 97 (Spec Iss A) 0273, 2018 (iadr.org).
Dentifrices, surface roughness and depth loss of restorative materials. Smith JB, Lambert AN, Morrow BR, Pameijer CH, Garcia-Godoy F. J Dent Res 97 (Spec Iss A) 1621, 2018 (iadr.org).
Enamel demineralization adjacent to orthodontic brackets bonded with Active Bioactive Restorative. Saunders KG, Donley KJ, Mattevi G. of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio 2017.
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Lopez-Garcia S, et al. In vitro evaluation of the biological effects of ACTIVA Kids BioACTIVE Restorative, Ionolux, & Riva LC on human dental pulp stem cells. Materials 2019,12,3694;doi:10.3390/ma12223694.
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Verwandte Literatur
Abdulla HA, Majeed MA. Assessment of bioactive resin-modified glass ionomer restorative as a new CAD CAM material part ll_fracture strength study. J Res Med Sci 2019;7(5)_74-79.
Abdulla HA, Majeed MA. Assessment of bioactive resin-modified glass ionomer restorative as a new CAD CAM material. Part 1_marginal fitness study. Indian J Foren Med Tox 2020;14(1)865-870.
Alkhudhairy F, et al. Adhesive bond integrity of dentin conditioned by photobiomodulation and bonded to bioactive restorative material. Photodyagn Photodyn 2019;28_110-113.
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Bishnoi N, et al. Evaluating marginal seal of a bioactive restorative material Activa Bioactive and two bulk fill composites in class ll restorations-an in vitro study. Int J Appl Sci 2020;6(3)98-102.
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Lopez-Garcia S, et al. In vitro evaluation of the biological effects of ACTIVA Kids BioACTIVE Restorative, Ionolux, & Riva LC on human dental pulp stem cells. Materials 2019,12,3694;10.3390_ma 12223694.
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Sauro S. et al. Effects of ion-releasing restorative materials on dentine bonding longevity of modern universal adhesives after load-cycle and artificial saliva aging. Materials 2019;12(5)722.
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Dichtungsmittel für Gruben und Risse
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Walter R, Swift EJ, et al. Antibacterial potential of dental sealants against cariogenic oral bacteria. UNC School of Dentistry 2009.
Strassler HE, O’Donnell JP. A unique moisture-tolerant, resin-based pit and fissure sealant: clinical technique and research results. Inside Dentistry 2008;4(9):108-110.
O’Donnell JP. A moisture-tolerant resin-based pit and fissure sealant: research results. Inside Dentistry 2008;4(7):50-52.
Kavaloglu Cildir S, Sandalli N. Compressive strength, surface roughness, fluoride release and recharge of four new fluoride-releasing fissure sealants. Dent Mat J 2007;26(3):335-341.
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New technique in sealants. Journal of Practical Hygiene, Nov-Dec 2005;14(9):29-31.
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CRA Newsletter. Buying Guide – Outstanding Products 2003: Embrace WetBond Pit & Fissure Sealant.
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Vorläufige Materialien
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January 2004;28(1):5. Degrange M. Penetration depth and marginal leakage of Embrace WetBond Pit and Fissure Sealant. 2001.
Freedman G. Enhanced implant provisionals are tough, resilient, impact resistant. Dental Chronicle, September 2011:10-19.
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